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Hellesdon Christian Disciples is a non-denominational church that meets at our building on Fifer Lane in Hellesdon. You are most welcome to join us, just turn up, or if you would prefer telephone John on 07512 373 312 for more information.


Coffee and Bible Study

Sunday Club – Sunday 10:00-10:45am (primary school age)

Morning Bible Study – Sunday 11am

Evening Service

6.00pm on Sunday

Prayer meeting – 1st Sunday of the month 8pm

Youth Club

7.30pm on Friday nights

Find out more about our Youth Club
– on Facebook

Our Beliefs

We believe that the Bible (66 books of the Old and New Testament) is inspired by God and was written by men under His control. It is without error and therefore fully reliable in fact and doctrine and is sufficient for all matters of faith and practice.

We believe that the most accurate translations of the bible are based on the Received Text.

We believe in one God who is Spirit; He exists in three divine, distinct, eternal, persons, all equally God and totally united in purpose and of one mind; He is infinite and unchanging; that He created heaven and earth; that He is all-powerful.

We believe in God the Father, that He initiates all good things.

We believe in God the Eternal Son (Jesus Christ), that He was born into the human race to a virgin, He lived a sinless life, He demonstrated His love by dying on the cross where He bore the judgement of God upon sin, that He was raised from the dead and is alive now in heaven.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit, a divine person who works in the lives of people to bring them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, continues to live in all Christians assuring them of salvation.

We believe the whole human race is under just condemnation from God because they have rebelled against Him, but that God, in His grace, calls people to repent of their sins and to believe that Jesus died to take their punishment. Those who respond by taking Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord will show saving faith by a changed life.

We believe that the universal church is comprised of all those redeemed by the blood of Christ. They engage in worship and service to God, with Bible teaching, pastoral care and discipline under God’s ordained elders. They are committed to each other. We respect all Christian believers and will fellowship with any church faithful to the Bible.

We believe that Jesus Christ will return in power and then everyone will face judgement. Following the judgement Christians will enjoy heaven eternally, but everyone else will suffer punishment in hell. God will be seen to be righteous in all His ways and will be worshipped and served for ever by those who love Him.

Hellesdon Christian Disciples is a registered charity in the UK – 1188172

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